design prototype manufacture install

millimetre is an award-winning design and fabrication company, established in 2006 and comprising 27 dedicated staff including expert designers, architects, joiners and fabricators.

what our clients say

May I just say on behalf of the team at NMLA that millimetre are a pleasure to work with.
It is rare and uplifting to see this level of collaboration between builders, architects and engineers.

Níall McLaughlin

A Spring in your Step took three years to complete, weighs four tonnes, is 25 metres tall, and follows a non-repeating, expanding and contracting helical form – making it my most complex sculpture to date.

Alex Chinneck

The nature of the building, and its simplicity, belies the level of skill and craftsmanship that went into its construction.

Private Client – Níall McLaughlin Pavilion

I always felt millimetre was a bit like The A-Team in that there are several craftsmen who each have a specialism in a different material or technology. So when you go to them, there’s no contracting out

David Kohn