Mire Lee Open Wound

Fabric sculptures and 3.5-tonne rotating turbine for 2024 Hyundai Tate Turbine Hall Commission

Tate Modern, Turbine Hall

October 2024 – March 2025

millimetre has played a key role in bringing Mire Lee’s latest monumental artwork ‘Open Wound’ to life for the Tate Modern’s Turbine Hall Hyundai Commission!

Known for her visceral, kinetic artworks blending industrial elements, mechanized parts, and organic forms, Mire Lee’s new installation is her most ambitious yet. This vast, evolving piece will transform over five months, filling the 35,520 sq. ft. Turbine Hall with more than 100 suspended “skins” that will grow into 150 by the end of the exhbition.

The millimetre team collaborated with Mire Lee from concept to completion, tackling challenges like creating custom systems to circulate and strain liquids, fabricating the 3.5-tonne rotating turbine, and fabricating the striking skins – which will be coated and transformed throughout the show.

This project is millimetre’s third contribution to a Turbine Hall commission, and it’s been an exciting, collaborative process with partners including Buro Happold, More Control, Halo, Coussens Cranes, Javier Rivera and the amazing Tate team. millimetre are proud to have worked closely with Mire to help bring her incredible vision to life on such a monumental scale.